저 자 | 이준관, 이종구 | 발행연도 | 2019-05-31 | 권 호 | 제34집 제2호(통권 89호) |
첨부파일 | [경영사연구-34-2-2-Junkwan Lee Jong-Gu Lee]An Exploratory Study of the Korean Online.pdf(534.58KB) |
n the world, online game that blends technology and entertainment certainly depicts character of twenty first century. Over the past two decades,online game market lead the digital contents industry through out the world. In early era of online games, Korea was one of few countries that lead the industry owing to well-developed Internet network infrastructure throughout the Korea in late 90s. This certainly gave advantage for Korean online game developers and publishers an early start. Expansion of personal computers and particularly PC-bang culture prospered Korean online game market. Along with this wave,Korean government supported online game cultures in many aspects, of one which they have found government agency that provides business consulting for game industry. Government affiliated agencies also established e-Sports association that helped Korean consumers to perceive online games as a legitimate and sound culture.Anyhow, up until the pervasion of smartphone, PC-based online games dominated the market, which as of 2017 smartphone-based online games in Korea have overcome the total sales from PC-based. Meanwhile, as consumers demand to play their favorite games in any devices they prefer, the barrier between platforms faze, opening up a new era of integration which game developers adopts every devices possible with original game content.In this paper, authors apply exploratory investigation, looking back the twenty years of online games in Korea, distinguishing steps of online game development in four stages. Comparative analysis of those stages were followed to deliver history of online game development and insights for future researchers.
발행연도 | 권 호 | 논문제목 | 저 자 | 다운로드 |
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